Results of Drug-Free Migraine Study Published

Market News

Today published data on a large number of individuals confirm the significant improvement for a majority of patients, according to CEFALY Technology.

The efficacy and safety of the CEFALY ® medical device for migraine treatment had already been reported early 2013 in the scientific journal “Neurology” (Official Journal of the American Academy of Neurology). Today published data on a large number of individuals confirm the significant improvement for a majority of patients, according to CEFALY Technology.
As quoted in the press release:

Following 2 months of treatment, 54.4% of the patients described a very substantial improvement and decided to purchase the device. If we rule out those patients who didn’t use the device or who only used it to a negligible degree, and take into account only regular users, the percentage of patients with a very significant improvement reaches 81%. Side effects are reported by only 4.3% of patients, all of which are minor and completely reversible. Therefore the effectiveness/safety ratio is excellent.

Read the full press release by CEFALY Technology

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