Mushrooms to Prevent Breast Cancer?

Longevity Investing

Longevity Live recently published an article discussing recent research that has found that women, who eat an average of 1 mushroom (10gm) per day seem to halve their risk of breast cancer.

Longevity Live recently published an article discussing recent research that hasĀ found that women, who eat an average of 1 mushroom (10gm) per day seem to halve their risk of breast cancer.
According to the article:

The use of mushrooms from a medicinal standpoint is becoming increasingly popular. Not only is it a whole food (as it contains similar health properties to bothĀ meats and vegetables and suitable for weight control), but it is also a largely cost effective way to manage your wellbeing. As it is such a popular food source, mushroom extracts can even be bought in supplement form in order to get a higher and more concentrated dose of its various properties.

Click here to read the full article.Ā 

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