Drug Industry Execs Say US Science Cuts Endanger the Future

Market News

Forbes reported that legendary drug industry executives, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, P. Roy Vagelos, and Elias Zerhouni said even seemingly insignificant budget cuts on biomedical research and innovation could pose a danger to the future.

Forbes reported that legendary drug industry executives, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, P. Roy Vagelos, and Elias Zerhouni said even seemingly insignificant budget cuts on biomedical research and innovation could pose a danger to the future.

As quoted in the market news:

This ten year contraction has been forcing our highly skilled researchers to spend more time raising money than doing the research they spent decades training for, is encouraging established researchers to leave our shores in search of greater funding opportunities or to leave research altogether, and is discouraging the younger generation from embarking on a career in science.

Click here to read the full Forbes report.

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