MedReleaf Enters Distribution Agreement with CannaKorp

Cannabis Investing News

MedReleaf announced a multi-year licensing and distribution agreement with Massachusetts-based CannaKorp.

MedReleaf (TSX:LEAF) announced a multi-year licensing and distribution agreement with Massachusetts-based CannaKorp.
As quoted in the press release:

The CannaCloud is a pod-based cannabis vaporizing system that uses precisely measured, sealed and tested CannaCloud Pods (“cPods”) containing dried, ground cannabis flower that will be produced and packaged by MedReleaf in Canada. The CannaCloud gives cannabis users the predictability and assurance to know what they are inhaling every time, without the hassle of grinding, measuring, and packing traditional vaporization consumption devices.
“We are proud to partner with technology leaders like CannaKorp to be the first licensed producer in Canada to offer this innovative cannabis vapor delivery system”, said Neil Closner, Chief Executive Officer of MedReleaf. “For those medical cannabis patients who prefer inhalation, CannaCloud presents a proven method of delivery with unique bioavailability benefits and avoids the health concerns associated with the combustion of cannabis. This agreement underscores MedReleaf’s uniqueness in the marketplace and commitment to a patient-centric business model; providing a consistent, high quality, and healthy experience for our patients.”

Click here to read the full press release.


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