Shares of KushCo Holdings were upgraded to the OTCQX Best Market according to the OTC Markets Group.
Shares of KushCo Holdings (OTCQX:KSHB) were upgraded to the OTCQX Best Market according to the OTC Markets Group (OTCQX:OTCM).
As quoted in the press release:
KushCo Holdings, Inc. upgraded to OTCQX from the OTCQB Venture Market.
KushCo begins trading today on OTCQX under the symbol “KSHB.”
KushCo’s Chief Executive Officer, Nick Kovacevich, commented, “We are very pleased with the announcement of our upgrade to OTCQX as it is expected to improve liquidity and broaden awareness of KushCo in the financial markets. Our upgrade to OTCQX is another mile marker signifying our remarkable progress over the past several years, including internal upgrades to support best practices in corporate governance and record-breaking revenues of US$35.2 million in our most recent quarterly results, an increase of 240 percent compared with Q2 2018. We are now better positioned to attract institutional investors as we execute on our long-term growth plan to profitability.”