High Hampton Holdings Featured in CFN Media Group Article

High Hampton Holdings Corp. (CSE:HC) was recently featured in an article on CFN Media talking about the company’s recent move to acquire a leading high-end cannabis edibles maker.
High Hampton Holdings Corp.(CSE:HC) was recently featured in an article on CFN Media talking about the company’s recent move to acquire a leading high-end cannabis edibles maker.
“While many companies are focused on scaling up cannabis cultivation or launching vaporizer products, investors may want to pay close attention to those that are building up a presence in the edibles segment of the market that is often ignored, but could see the fastest growth rates”. – The article states.
The author describes company’s latest move to acquire edible maker to be a potential turning point. “With over $2 million in annual revenue, the edibles-maker could add to its bottom line financial results and provide a valuable opportunity to tap into California’s lucrative and fast-growing edibles market.” – The author elaborates.
said High Hampton CEO David E. Argudo in the press release announcing the deal. “Through this acquisition, not only do we begin to establish presence throughout California by accessing a substantial distribution network with CALIGOLD, but, just as importantly, we begin generating revenues during our aggressive growth cycle.” – said High Hampton CEO David E. Argudo on the acquisition of the cannabis edible maker.
To read the full article, click here.
Source: www.cannabisfn.com