Blackstone Discovers King Cobra Nickel Sulfide Zone at Ta Khoa Nickel Project

Australia Investing

Blackstone Minerals announced the King Cobra discovery of a new, near surface higher grade zone of nickel sulfide.

Blackstone Minerals (ASX:BSX) announced the King Cobra discovery of a new, near surface higher grade zone of nickel sulfide bearing semi-massive sulfide veins (SMSV) at the Ta Khoa Nickel project in Northern Vietnam.

As quoted in the press release:

“Blackstone is very pleased with the rapid progress and exciting results to date that are outlining a near surface, large scale disseminated Nickel – PGE deposit at Ban Phuc. We feel that the discovery of the King Cobra zone is a step change for exploration of the deposit. A substantial thickness of disseminated and potentially higher-grade Nickel – PGE mineralisation within a few metres of surface may prove to be a bulk mineable opportunity,” said Managing Director Scott Williamson.

Click here for the full text release

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