Chatham Rock Phosphate is well and truly back on the road
Sep. 01, 2017 08:45AM PST
Phosphate InvestingChatham Rock Phosphate (NZ: CRP, TSX.V: NZP) (“CRP” or “the Company”) provides a further shareholder briefing. A lot has happened since our last update was published and it’s timely to provide another informal update on recent events. Events of note include: Sensible and helpful revisions to the 2013 EEZ Act became law on 1 June 2017. …
Chatham Rock Phosphate (NZ: CRP, TSX.V: NZP) (“CRP” or “the Company”) provides a further shareholder briefing. A lot has happened since our last update was published and it’s timely to provide another informal update on recent events.
Events of note include:
- Sensible and helpful revisions to the 2013 EEZ Act became law on 1 June 2017. The changes are mainly process related and should help improve the calibre of future decision-making by the Environmental Protection Authority’s new Boards of Enquiry.
- The ground-breaking Trans Tasman Resources decision was released on August 10 and the company now holds a granted Marine Consent. While notice of an appeal has been lodged by some lobby groups, the decision stands. We remain confident the decision is robust and has carefully anticipated all of the likely areas of challenge.
- CRP presentations to Canadian investors and share-brokers in May and July received a warm welcome in Vancouver and Toronto and we have been invited to return.
- Two shipments of rock phosphate from Morocco (but mined in the Western Sahara) were seized in foreign ports highlighting our often-expressed concerns about the security of supply of rock phosphate destined for NZ. The first shipment (destined for New Zealand) remains detained in South Africa and the Moroccan exporters have now withdrawn from the related court action, leaving its ownership uncertain.