Q&A with CEO of Eyecarrot Innovations Corp (EYC), Adam Cegielski

In a recent interview with equities.com Adam Cegielski, CEO of Eyecarrot Innovations Corp (TSXV:EYC) discussed his plan for 2016 and beyond.
In a recent interview with equities.com Adam Cegielski, CEO of Eyecarrot Innovations Corp (TSXV:EYC) discussed his plan for 2016 and beyond.
As quoted in the interview.
Q.) Your website suggests traditional focus on vision problems, such as visual acuity, the sharpness of vision, is incomplete. For those not expert in the field, can you speak about some deeper issues affecting vision?
A.)Sure. Traditional vision care in the modern world is largely dominated by prescribing lenses and frames to address visual acuity. It’s a very easy process to measure how clearly you see, and then sell products based on that clarity. Also, primary care and vision in general has been focused on disease and pathology. There’s a tremendous amount that can be done to actually enhance your vision and how your vision system performs. What we’re talking about is the functional vision system; how your visual system reacts to stimuli in its environment. We want to do a deeper evaluation of how you measure this visual system, and how you train that visual system to get better performance.
Q.) Recent research demonstrated that some people with reading disabilities have deficits with their transmission of information to the brain through defective visual pathways. It appears to reinforce the outdated approach of focusing exclusively on visual acuity as your site suggests. How does Binovi fit within this assessment, and as a patient using Binovi, what are the physiological affects improving vision? What’s happening inside the body improving vision?
A.) Great. There is a ton of research that has come out addressing this issue. You can have 20/20 vision and still fail a functional vision exam. You can have a concussion and have 20/20 vision, but still have visual processing deficits. When you look at the education system, we screen kids to see if they have 20/20 vision, yet, 5 out of the 9 symptoms of ADHD are the same as the vision processing issue that we’re talking about. What the world needs is a combination of quicker and easier ways to screen for visual processing deficiencies or issues, and, more importantly, a simple and effective way to treat these issues to help people live happier, healthier lives.
So that’s why we built Binovi. We’re starting with the treatment side first – we want to streamline this and make it really easy for every qualified doctor and therapist, to treat these problems instead of resorting to things like prescription drugs.And make it really easy for them to refer patients to specialists or experts in our network if needed. We’re really excited to be releasing our Binovi apps in the coming weeks. And soon, we’ll have some exciting news to share on the screening front – we’ve been working on integrated hardware and software components to make screening for visual processing disorders quick, easy and scalable.
From a physiological standpoint, we’re trying to tie the action system of the body to the visual system. It’s one thing to see clearly, but do you know how to act on what you see? How can you grasp the information from a book if you have double vision? We want to help people identify they have this problem, and get that treatment process started quickly. Ultimately, we’re trying to do sensory motor integration; tying the visual senses and the cognitive functions to the action senses.
Q.) Is there anything else you’d like to add?
A.) We’re just excited about the progress we’ve made in 2016 and getting our apps live in the App Store. We expect to be on-boarding the first group of doctors over the next 2-4 weeks, and they’ll be going live with our product immediately. We’ll be targeting international markets in their local languages in the spring time frame.
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