U3O8 Corp. cuts 25 metres grading 0.099% U3O8

Company News

U3O8 Corp. reports additional significant uranium results from its Phase I drilling of the Accori North targets, Kurupung Batholith in Guyana. The mineralized sector in the Accori North area underscores U3O8 Corp’s exploration concept that multiple uranium-bearing structures in the basement may aggregate to a resource of significant and potentially economic size. Subsequent drilling will …

U3O8 Corp. reports additional significant uranium results from its Phase I drilling of the Accori North targets, Kurupung Batholith in Guyana.

The mineralized sector in the Accori North area underscores U3O8 Corp’s exploration concept that multiple uranium-bearing structures in the basement may aggregate to a resource of significant and potentially economic size. Subsequent drilling will test the extension of the higher-grade uranium intersections, particularly in the Accori North C zone. The goal is to advance the Accori North area through infill drilling in late 2008 to resource estimation early next year, building on resource estimates for Aricheng South and Aricheng North that are scheduled for completion in late 2008.

For full details of this press release, click this link. To view U3O8 Corp.’s company profile, click here. Follow developments in uranium mining and exploration for free. Sign on to the Uranium Investing Newsletter.


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