Habanero Begins Haldane Silver Prospect Drill Program

Silver Investing

Habanero Resources Inc. (TSXV:HAO) announced that it has started a drill program at its Haldane silver prospect, located in the Yukon’s Keno Hill District.

Habanero Resources Inc. (TSXV:HAO) announced that it has started a drill program at its Haldane silver prospect, located in the Yukon’s Keno Hill District.

As quoted in the press release:

Previous drilling in 2011 intersected mineralization characteristic of the Keno Hill Mining district, including galena-sphalerite-siderite mineralization and massive manganese-iron oxides, on several structures in drill holes up to 1,000 m apart. Previous drilling on the West Fault has intersected mineralization over 250 metres strike length and the current program will test this north-south structure at the intersection with east-west faults, a setting similar to the intersection of transverse and longitudinal faults that commonly hosts high grade mineralization in the Keno Hill mining camp.

Click here to read the full Habanero Resources Inc. (TSXV:HAO) press release. 

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