Greencastle Resources Returns 85.7 g/t Silver and 51.2 g/t Silver at Nechako Property

Silver Investing

Greencastle Resources Ltd. (TSXV:VGN) announced that they, through its subsidiary, Deveron Resources Ltd. (TSXV:DVR), have made a new silver/gold discovery at the Nechako Property in BC.

As quoted in the press release:

Greencastle Resources Ltd. (TSXV:VGN) announced that they, through its subsidiary, Deveron Resources Ltd. (TSXV:DVR), have made a new silver/gold discovery at the Nechako Property in BC.

As quoted in the press release:

 Two grab samples from the vein material returned 1.54 g/t gold, 85.7 g/t silver and 0.59 g/t gold, 51.2 g/t silver, along with anomalous copper and zinc values. Soil samples from the area around the showing contain anomalous gold, silver copper and zinc. The nearest stream sediment sample, about one kilometre downstream from the showing, also returned significantly anomalous gold. This epithermal style mineralization associated with sub-volcanic felsic intrusions is similar to other deposits in the Blackwater region.

Greencastle’s CEO, Anthony Roodenburg, said:

These results are extremely encouraging. We continue to work closely with Deveron management to maximize value at Nechako and evaluate new project opportunities. Deveron’s closely held capital structure and strong financial partners give it a distinct competitive advantage in these challenging markets.

To view the whole press release, click here. 

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