Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (TSXV:DV, OTCBB:DOLLF) announced results from the fall 2012 Exploration Program on the Dolly Varden property in B.C.
Dolly Varden Silver Corp. (TSXV:DV, OTCBB:DOLLF) announced results from the fall 2012 Exploration Program on the Dolly Varden property in B.C.located
As quoted in the press release:
Dolly Varden Silver Corporation drilled a total of 1,728 meters in 6 drill holes at the Dolly Varden deposit in 2012. These drill holes tested a number of projected down dip extensions of mineralization in an area where historical production (from Garrow, 2011) was approximately 1.5 million ounces of silver at a grade of 35.8 ounces per ton (1,227 g/tonne). The 2012 drill holes were targeted beneath historical mineral resource blocks. The Company considers the historical mineral resource blocks as geological information only and as a guide to verification drilling.
Dolly Varden’s President and CEO, Ron Nichols, said:
The results from Torbrit and Dolly Varden Mine 2012 program are in keeping with the historical grades and widths reported from historic programs. The 2012 Dolly Varden drilling was focused mainly on confirming and extending drill coverage within and below the known historical mineral resource blocks, and has the potential to add significantly to the total silver resource at the Dolly Varden.
To view the whole press release, click here.