Dia Bras Finds More High-grade Silver at Bacerac Property

Silver Investing

Dia Bras Exploration Inc. (TSXV:DIB) announced that expanded sampling at its Bacerac property, located in Mexico, has uncovered more high-grades of silver and gold.

Dia Bras Exploration Inc. (TSXV:DIB) announced that expanded sampling at its Bacerac property, located in Mexico, has uncovered more high-grades of silver and gold.

According to the press release, highlights of the results include:

  • Assays of rock-chip samples include values up to 703 g/t silver and 3.79 g/t gold.
  • An area of 300 x 400 m contains most of the high-grade sample results
  • Drilling to test for a potential open-pitable target of significant tonnage will begin in mid-October

Daniel Tellechea, Dia Bras’ president and CEO, commented:

These results confirm that the San Patricio breccia zone is of significant size and have increased the potential for an open-pitable silver-gold-lead mine at San Patricio.  Our diamond drilling program is designed to test the open pit potential and is scheduled to begin in mid-October.

Click here to read the full Dia Bras Exploration Inc. (TSXV:DIB) press release.

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