South Africa’s Platinum Miners Struggle

Resource Investing News

Mineweb reported running a South African centred gold or platinum mining company at the present time.

Mineweb reported running a South African centred gold or platinum mining company at the present time.

As quoted in the market news:

Serious labour disputes, which can boil over into violent confrontations, when one has workforces the size of those on most of the significant mining operations, has to be very worrying for top management, particularly when a high profile, charismatic, supposedly sidelined politician like Julius Malema – who has long called for mine nationalisation – starts getting involved. Indeed, the Malema factor may prove to be the most disturbing development of all unless the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party can somehow bring him to heel.

On this subject reports surfaced in the South African press yesterday of an arrest warrant being issued for Malema on corruption charges and of an investigation for tax evasion.  Perhaps a recipe for making a martyr out of a maverick whatever the truth of the allegations!

Click here to read the full Mineweb report.

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