Pure Nickel’s Alaska Results Indicate Platinum Palladium Horizons
Pure Nickel (TSE:NIC) announced results from the exploration season at its MAN, Alaska property.
Pure Nickel (TSX:NIC) announced results from the exploration season at its MAN, Alaska property.
The press release is quoted as saying:
Analysis of over 3,400 assay core samples has revealed stratigraphic horizons in the Alpha and Beta Complexes that have elevated platinum and palladium values strongly suggesting that stratiform PGE mineralization (platinum + palladium) is present, similar to that found in other stratiform PGE bearing complexes elsewhere in the world. Laterally extensive platinum and palladium cyclicity patterns have been recognized over a distance greater than 2.7 kilometers in the Alpha complex, and share common features to the large layered intrusions of Bushveld (South Africa) and Stillwater Complexes (USA). In addition it is the first time that narrow intersections of high grade semi-massive sulphide lenses were discovered returning grades of 3.42% nickel and 4.27% copper
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