Strategic Metals Ltd Releases 2013 Exploration Plans

Gold Investing

Strategic Metals Ltd. (TSXV:SMD) announced 2013 exploration plans for its Midas Touch Project and other wholly-owned properties in the Yukon Territory and northern B.C.

Strategic Metals Ltd. (TSXV:SMD) announced  2013 exploration plans for its Midas Touch Project and other wholly-owned properties in the Yukon Territory and northern B.C.

As quoted in the press release:

Field work will include:
Surface prospecting and mapping programs at the Midas Touch Project, designed to advance Carlin-style targets to the drill stage and make new discoveries. A priority will be the Nad property, where significant gold and pathfinder geochemical anomalies are located 400 m east along strike of the Venus Zone Carlin-style gold discovery made in late 2012 by Anthill Resources Ltd., with initial drill results of 9.76 g/t gold over 38.7 m; and

Geochemical sampling, prospecting and mapping programs on multiple other properties, designed to follow-up and expand known mineralization and/or geochemical anomalies and define drill targets. Detailed exploration will be completed at the GK gold-copper porphyry property located in the Red Chris – Galore Creek porphyry district of northwestern BC, the Hopper copper-gold skarn/porphyry project in southwestern Yukon, and the Hy silver-lead-zinc skarn project in southeastern Yukon.

To view the whole press release, click here. 

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