Sirios Resources Intersects New Geological Gold Unit at Cheechoo

Gold Investing
Company News

Sirios Resources Inc. (TSXV:SOI) announced that it’s intersected a new geological gold unit at its Quebec-based Cheechoo property.

Sirios Resources Inc. (TSXV:SOI) announced that it’s intersected a new geological gold unit at its Quebec-based Cheechoo property.
The company is currently completing a diamond drill program at Cheechoo. It began midway through January, and so far 10 holes across 1,460 meters have been completed.
Tuesday’s press release states:

This unit was intersected in hole #40 at a depth of 296 m (figure 1). It is an altered and mineralized biotite schist with 1 to 3% of pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite disseminated on total thickness of the 36 metres unit. (True thickness unknown). The schist is cross-cut here and there by small decimetric to metric pegmatite dykes. Five specks of visible gold were observed between 315.5 m and 327 m in the schist and pegmatite, confirming thus the auriferous nature of the unit (figure 2). Assays results for gold from this unit will be available in a few weeks and will determine its gold grade. Visible gold was also observed in tonalite, elsewhere in the same drill hole as well as in drill hole #41 which is currently underway (figure 3), and drill holes #32 and #34.

Other ongoing fieldwork includes:

Few other series of drill core samples from previously completed holes on the property are actually in re-assay for gold by metallic sieve including, among other, samples with observed visible gold. Statistical studies on the variability of assay results will be performed in order to determine the optimal sampling protocol for Cheechoo.
In addition, 36 samples of till and 312 samples of soil (humus), collected last fall, are currently being processed for gold grains counting and geochemical assay respectively. Preliminary results of gold grains counting in till seem to indicate one or multiple possible gold sources in one or two zones located outside the gold halo that has been targeted for most of drill holes until now.

Click here to read the full Sirios Resources Inc. (TSXV:SOI) press release and to view figures 1 to 3.

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