Rapier Gold Reports Assay Results from Pen Gold Project

Gold Investing

Rapier Gold Inc. (TSXV:RPR) announced two “significant assay results” from grab samples from a large outcrop at the Ontario-based Pen gold project’s Talc mine area.

Rapier Gold Inc. (TSXV:RPR) announced two “significant assay results” from grab samples from a large outcrop at the Ontario-based Pen gold project’s Talc mine area. The 16,400-hectare Pen project is Rapier’s key focus, and is located in the vicinity of a number of other gold projects.
As quoted in the press release:

  • Imerys, the operator of the talc mine, recently pre-stripped an outcrop exposure between the mill and the talc mine pit (“Fox Outcrop”). The Fox Outcrop is a previously known occurrence of an intensely carbonatized ultramafic rock typically associated with gold deposits in the Porcupine Gold Camp (“Carb Rock”) which is cross-cut extensively by numerous quartz vein sets. This additional exposure has revealed more quartz veining than expected and sulphide mineralization has been observed.
  • The Company mapped the Fox Outcrop and took 30 grab samples, with the two most significant being: Sample 1027160 with 13.6 g/t and Sample 1027166 with 7.13 g/t. Refer to Appendix A.
  • Sample 1027160 occurs above the high grade intersection in PG13-108 which intersected 13.0 g/t gold over 4.3 m (“New Vein”) at a vertical depth of 150 m. This vein appears to be the up-dip projection of the New Vein, based on the limited geological information currently available.
  • As previous announced, the Company is planning approximately four drill holes to test above and below PG13-108. The drilling will test the hypothesis of a sub-vertical vein/vein set, dipping to the north.
  • Further grab sampling is being carried out on the Fox Outcrop, followed by blast hole assays, prior to the area being mined, and all material stockpiled for further sampling. Refer to Appendix B & C.
  • The Company has flown a drone photographic survey over a large area of the Talc Mine Area, including the Fox Outcrop and the results are being integrated into our database. We believe this is one of the first occurrences of drone mapping used for detailed geological mapping.
  • A drone photographic survey has also been flown over the Nib Yellowknife area (SW of the Talc Mine Area) and mapping is continuing in the area.

Click here to read the full Rapier Gold Inc. (TSXV:RPR) press release.

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