Mike Swanson on Palisade Radio: “Gold Stocks are Like a Fueled Up Rocket”

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“I think it’s actually important for people to accumulate shares now — that’s what I’ve been doing, because the way I see it, this is essentially a rocket that’s getting fueled up, and at any moment someone is going to press the ignition switch,” said Swanson.

Palisade Radio interviewed Mike Swanson, founder and chief editor of WallStreetWindow and author of the book “Strategic Stock Trading.” The hedge fund he ran from 2003 to 2006 generated a return of over 78 percent for its investors during that time frame.

Swanson commented:

 … what people need to realize is that will mean we’re in a new bull market, and it’s just up from there. Most bull markets last three to five years, but most of the gains come in the beginning. So I think it’s actually important for people to accumulate shares now — that’s what I’ve been doing, because the way I see it, this is essentially a rocket that’s getting fueled up, and at any moment someone is going to press the ignition switch.

Listen to the full interview below:

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