Kootenay and Arctic Hunter Commence 3D Induced Polarization Study at Santa Lucia Gold Property

Gold Investing

Kootenay Gold [TSX.V:KTN] and Arctic Hunter Uranium [CNSX:AHU] announced that a 3D induced polarization geophysical survey is underway on the Santa Lucia Gold and Silver property in Sonora, Mexico. The 3D geophysical program is comprised of approximately 20 line kilometers of line being surveyed over the property. Following the completion of the 3D program and receipt of all required drill permits, drilling will commence on all high priority targets.

Kootenay Gold [TSX.V:KTN] and Arctic Hunter Uranium [CNSX:AHU] announced that a 3D induced polarization geophysical survey is underway on the Santa Lucia Gold and Silver property in Sonora, Mexico. The 3D geophysical program is comprised of approximately 20 line kilometers of line being surveyed over the property. Following the completion of the 3D program and receipt of all required drill permits, drilling will commence on all high priority targets.

The Press Release is quoted as saying:

The Santa Lucia north area represents a target area where ore bodies may be buried by shallow cover. The extent of mineralization along trends measuring a few kilometers in length with only about 5% bedrock exposure lend support to the belief the area may contain buried epithermal vein type gold-silver deposits.

Click here for the full press release.

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