Fjordland Exploration Inc.: Drilling at Woodjam North (Deerhorn Zone)
Fjordland Exploration Inc. (CVE:FEX) and Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (CVE:CRB) report drill results from an additional 2 holes of the 2011 drilling program on the Deerhorn Zone of the Woodjam North gold-copper property.
Fjordland Exploration Inc. (TSXV:FEX) and Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (TSXV:CRB) report drill results from an additional 2 holes of the 2011 drilling program on the Deerhorn Zone of the Woodjam North gold-copper property.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The results from these two holes continue to define and expand the mineral trend as previously outlined by holes DH09-03, DH10-04, 05, 20, 21, 23, 25, DH11-26, 27, 29 and 30. The higher-grade shoot appears to plunge moderately to the southeast and has dimensions of approximately 350 m in strike, 100 m in width and 200 m in depth and remains open. This higher grade shoot is enclosed within a much larger, lower grade envelope containing quartz (locally sheeted) with magnetite vein-hosted and disseminated chalcopyrite mineralization in potassic-altered zones of fine-grained volcaniclastic rocks with interfingering monzonitic dykes. A drill location map may be viewed at
Fjordland’s President, Tom Schroeter says:
“These additional assay results from the Deerhorn Zone have defined a potentially very significant zone of gold and copper mineralization. The zone is open in all directions; we look forward to seeing follow-up drilling and modeling on this zone over the year.”
Click here to access the entire news release.