Crushing Operations Resume With Equipment Back Online at Perseus Mining’s Edikan Mine

Gold Investing

Perseus Mining Limited (TSX:PRU, ASX:PRU) provided updates on their operations in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.

Perseus Mining Limited (TSX:PRU, ASX:PRU) provided updates on their operations in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.

As quoted in the press release:

The status of remedial work on the crusher at the Edikan Gold Mine (“EGM”) is as follows:

  • Replacement of the crusher’s main shaft and mantle assembly was completed on Friday, 22 February 2013 with the assistance of technicians from FL Smidth, the crusher manufacturer. On Saturday 23 February 2013, after completion of recommissioning, direct tipping of ore to the crusher commenced and has continued largely uninterrupted.

Persus’s Managing Director, Jeff Quartermaine, said:

The remediation of the crusher at Edikan has occurred as planned and Perseus is now looking forward to putting the technical challenges of late 2012 behind us and returning to the gold production levels that we know the Edikan Gold Mine is capable of delivering. Production of nearly 36,500 ounces of gold in the March 2013 Quarter to date, in spite of the challenges presented by the crusher is encouraging and has provided a solid start towards achieving production guidance for the first half of this calendar year.

To view the whole press release, click here. 

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