Cangold Begins Ixhuatan Metallurgical Project

Gold Investing

Cangold Limited (TSXV:CLD) announced that a metallurgical testing program has been started at the Mexico-based Ixhuatan project.

Cangold Limited (TSXV:CLD) announced that a metallurgical testing program has been started at the Mexico-based Ixhuatan project.

As quoted in the press release:

The Campamento deposit, upon which Cangold’s current scoping study is focused, is a high-sulphidation epithermal gold-silver system with no significant base metals. Four composite samples ranging from 43 to 74 kg each have been collected from four drill holes that represent a good cross-section of low grade to high grade sulphide mineralization.

Click here for the Cangold Limited (TSXV:CLD) press release.

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