Caldera Remains Registered Owner of Marjan Mining Shares

Gold Investing

Caldera Resources Inc.(TSXV:CDR) announced that it has requested a halt trading of shares. The Company is awaiting confirmation that it is still a joint venture registered owner of the Marjan Mining shares.

Caldera Resources Inc.(TSXV:CDR) announced that it requested a halt trading of shares on March 2, 2012. The Company was awaiting confirmation that it was still a joint venture registered owner of the Marjan Mining shares. Caldera received a letter from the Armenian state registry on March 7, stating that no changes had taken place.

As quoted in the press release:

Caldera felt that it was necessary to request the halt of its shares pending clarification of the statements of Mr. Van Krikorian, the CEO, Chairman and Director of Global Gold Corporation (“GBGD”) that the registration of Marjan project has reverted to GBGD automatically on March 2, 2012. This is evidently not true and Caldera can take no responsibility for the statements Mr. Krikorian has made to the Arbitrator and to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Click here to read the Caldera Resources Inc. (TSXV:CDR) press release
Click here to see the Caldera Resources Inc. (TSXV:CDR) profile

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