Beacon Rock Analyst Reports on Orsa Ventures’ Quartz Mountain Gold Project

Gold Investing

The Beacon Rock Research wrote about their visit to the Orsa Ventures (TSXV:ORN) Quartz Mountain Gold Project in Oregon.

The Beacon Rock Research wrote about their visit to the Orsa Ventures (TSXV:ORN) Quartz Mountain Gold Project in Oregon.

As quoted in the report:

From the perspective of an investor, we were impressed with the advanced level of the project and potential to move it forward in the near future. As an Oregonian, we were gratified to see an important gold project in Oregon that may benefit the economy
in an altogether overlooked part of the state.

Click here to read the Orsa Ventures (TSXV:ORN) report
Click here to see the Orsa Ventures (TSXV:ORN) profile

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