Astral Acquires 100% of Honeymoon Exploration Project, Southern British Columbia
Astral Mining Corporation (CVE:AA) reports that it has entered a Letter of Intent to acquire the Honeymoon property, British Columbia, Canada.
The press release is quoted as saying:
The Property comprises 41 contiguous mineral claims covering 18,761ha and is prospective for Intrusive Related Gold and VMS style Cu, Au, Ag and Zn mineralization.The project is located within favorable lithologies in a district boasting past producing mines and advanced exploration projects such as Yellowhead Mining Inc’s Harper Creek Copper deposit, 20km northwest of Honeymoon. Calculations reported as late as August 2010 are available on Yellowhead’s website and estimate an indicated resource of 569 million tonnes averaging 0.32% Cu.
Click here to access the entire press release.