Corvus Gold Announces Exploration Results from New Western & Eastern Zone Target Areas, North Bullfrog Project

Corvus Gold Inc. (TSX:KOR, OTCQX:CORVF) announced new exploration results from three additional target areas at the North Bullfrog property in Nevada, including two targets in the new Eastern Steam-Heated Zone.
Corvus Gold Inc. (TSX:KOR, OTCQX:CORVF) announced new exploration results from three additional target areas at the North Bullfrog property in Nevada, including two targets in the new Eastern Steam-Heated Zone.
As quoted in the press release:
These results have expanded the gold system in the North Bullfrog District and provided critical data for the planned 2016 follow-up drill program, which will be targeting new high-grade discoveries within these new, large and unexplored gold systems.
New Target Review
Jolly Jane North: One hole was drilled at the Jolly Jane North target about 80 metres north of previous Corvus hole NB-12-123 (139m @ 0.27 g/t Au). The hole is located 450 metres north of the Jolly Jane resource (Figure 2). NB-15-283 intersected a broad zone of low-grade dominantly oxide mineralization (104m @ 0.23 g/t gold and 0.6 g/t silver) within the Sierra Blanca Tuff in the footwall of the West Jolly Jane Fault (WJJF). The WJJF is a large displacement fault zone similar to the MP Fault which hosts the main historic Bullfrog deposit and also similar to the YellowJacket fault zone. The Sierra Blanca/YellowJacket deposit lies about a kilometre to the west in the hanging-wall of the WJJF which appears to be a major mineralizing fluid conduit. The WJJF is a mineral system of similar size to the current Sierra Blanca/YellowJacket deposit with unconstrained potential to the north under post-mineral cover.
NB-15-283 has not only confirmed the potential to expand the Jolly Jane low-grade deposit to the north but opens up a major new target area for new blind, high-grade feeder veins discoveries like those at YellowJacket or the historic Bullfrog mine. Follow up drilling is being planned for 2016.
Cat Hill: Two holes (NB-15-284 & 285) were drilled in the Cat Hill target area. The Cat Hill target has a strong surface gold anomaly that is associated with large overlapping high and low sulfidation mineral systems (Figure 1). The target area lies adjacent to the large Road Fault structural zone which extends 10 kilometres to the south where it is called the Contact Fault, a major structural control to the historic Bullfrog deposit mined by Barrick Gold in the 1990’s. At Cat Hill, a series of N-S- to NNE-trending structures control alteration, gold mineralization and irregular qtz-calcite veins exhibiting boiling textures. The initial two holes at Cat Hill intersected broad zones of near surface, low-grade, oxide mineralization with one hole having two 1.5 metre, +1 g/t gold intercepts within targeted NNE-trending structural zones. Targeting work is ongoing for a follow-up drill program this year.
Vinegaroon: A total of 7 holes (NB-15-286 to 292) were drilled on the Vinegaroon target. The Vinegaroon area lies ~2 kilometres east of Cat Hill, within the main Eastern Steam-heated Zone. As at Cat Hill, the Vinegaroon target has a surface gold anomaly associated with overlapping high and low sulfidation mineralization (Figure 3). A series of N-S- to NNW-trending structures control alteration and mineralization in this area. Five of the seven holes intercepted low grade gold mineralization along the large Vinegaroon fault zone. This is highly encouraging, as it represents a new and extensive area of alteration and gold mineralization in the large Eastern Steam Heated Zone. The alteration style is quartz-adularia-illite with local quartz stockwork including amethystine quartz, which is similar to the Sierra Blanca/YellowJacket deposits. The drill data is being evaluated for follow-up in 2016, including a re-evaluation of the surface mapping.
Corvus Gold CEO, Jeffrey Pontius, stated:
The results from these early stage scout holes in new and untested target areas across the North Bullfrog District are encouraging. The intersection of broad zones of low-grade oxide gold mineralization in a new area of the District is the first step in finding additional zones of high-grade mineralization like the YellowJacket deposit and our new NW Sierra Blanca discovery. These results have expanded the potential of the North Bullfrog District and the area favourable for hosting additional deposits which will be addressed in the next phase of exploration scheduled for this spring.
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