Bullfrog Gold Corp. Posts Shareholder Letter and CEO Interview

GRAND JUNCTION, CO — (Marketwired) — 11/29/16 – Bullfrog Gold Corp (OTCQB:BFGC) is pleased to announce it has posted a letter to shareholders on its website www.bullfroggold.com, and that its CEO participated with David Morgan of The Morgan Report (www.themorganreport.com) in an interview with Stock Radio.
GRAND JUNCTION, CO — (Marketwired) — 11/29/16 – Bullfrog Gold Corp (OTCQB:BFGC) is pleased to announce it has posted a letter to shareholders on its website www.bullfroggold.com, and that its CEO participated with David Morgan of The Morgan Report (www.themorganreport.com) in an interview with Stock Radio.
The shareholder letter emphasizes that the Company and its flagship Bullfrog Gold Project are substantially stronger and more valuable than they were a year ago, yet BFGC still remains undervalued compared to nearly all peer companies.
The audio interview provides the responses of David Morgan, a renowned economist, report writer and author, and David Beling, a seasoned mine and company builder. The topics of discussion are listed below:
Will Trumps cut and spend polices bring economic recovery to the US?
With 1 trillion dollars of infrastructure stimulation over the next ten years, is this encouraging for industrial commodities and do you see this reflected in the market, or is this a good time to take or build a position?
Bond sell-off and tax cuts will result in higher growth — but also higher inflation and higher amounts of U.S. government debt. Could this be the final straw that drives investments out of equities and debt and find safety in metals?
The interview may be heard at the following link:
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