Moly has been priced too low as compared to other minerals already traded in the futures market. The added sauce to the coming moly price surge will be a sure-fire winner for speculators. You in? Market participants put spot prices for molybdic oxide in a range of $12.75 to $13 per pound, up from …
Moly has been priced too low as compared to other minerals already traded in the futures market. The added sauce to the coming moly price surge will be a sure-fire winner for speculators. You in?
Market participants put spot prices for molybdic oxide in a range of $12.75 to $13 per pound, up from $11.25 to $11.50 two weeks ago, while ferromolybdenum prices were said to be between $14.75 and $15.25 per pound, up from $13 to $13.50 in mid-December.
If one recalls, uncertainty was the sentiment prevailing in the markets at the end of 2008 and till the first ten months of 2009, with pressures coming in to bear from all sides.