Markets down. Where will silver go?

Market News

Silver Investing News reports that silver took a loss with the bail-out plan approved by the US Senate while gold improved. Good news for gold, though. The precious metal has been up the last two days as investors look for safe alternatives. Silver wasn’t on board Monday and was actually taking a loss while gold …

Silver Investing News reports that silver took a loss with the bail-out plan approved by the US Senate while gold improved.

Good news for gold, though. The precious metal has been up the last two days as investors look for safe alternatives. Silver wasn’t on board Monday and was actually taking a loss while gold gained. Tuesday, the “poor man’s gold” was back in sync with its yellow cousin and once again putting on gains, up to $11.52/0z Tuesday afternoon. Gold is rebounding quickly from its previous lows and silver will soon as well, as they rarely move out of synch with each other.

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