ITRI Forecasts Rebound of China’s Tin Consumption and Output in 2013

Industrial Metals

Bloomberg reported that China, which is the world’s biggest user of tin, will recover its tin consumption and output in 2013, according to industry group ITRI Ltd.

Bloomberg reported that China, which is the world’s biggest user of tin, will recover its tin consumption and output in 2013, according to industry group ITRI Ltd.

As quoted in the market report:

“Consumption will gain 4 percent to 152,000 metric tons in 2013 after falling 5 percent this year, Cui Lin, chief representative in China, said from Beijing yesterday. The country used a record 154,000 tons in 2011. Output will match the all-time high in 2011 at about 160,000 tons after dipping to 152,000 tons this year, she said.”

Click here to read the full Bloomberg report.

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