Caravel to Start Drilling at Calingiri Copper-Moly Project

Industrial Metals

Caravel Minerals Ltd. (ASX:CVV) announced that reverse-circulation drilling will begin this week at its flagship Calingiri copper-moly project, located in Australia.

Caravel Minerals Ltd. (ASX:CVV) announced that reverse-circulation drilling will begin this week at its flagship Calingiri copper-moly project, located in Australia.

As quoted in the press release:

  • RC drilling to commence early this week to test the expansion potential for the CalingiriĀ Copper-Molybdenum Project, 120km NE of Perth, to host multiple centres ofĀ mineralisation
  • Drilling will initially target the large Edmonds and Kurrali anomalies, respectively located 2km and 5km south of the Dasher prospect, where drilling earlier this year intersected substantial widths (up to 233m down-hole) of continuous copper-molybdenum mineralisation.
  • The program, comprising 5,300m of drilling, will also test the Cavel prospect. Drilling is expected to continue until late January 2014. Assay results will be available in Q1 2014.

Click here to read the fullĀ Caravel Minerals Ltd. (ASX:CVV) press release.

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