Paringa Increases Measured Resource at Buck Creek

Industrial Metals

Paringa Resources Ltd. (ASX:PNL) announced that it has increased the measured and indicated resource at its Buck Creek mining complex, located in the US, by 54 percent, to 211 million tonnes.

Paringa Resources Ltd. (ASX:PNL) announced that it has increased the measured and indicated resource at its Buck Creek mining complex, located in the US, by 54 percent, to 211 million tonnes.

As quoted in the press release:

The CRE is reported in accordance with the JORC Code 2012 and comprises 211million tons (~192million tonnes) in the Measured and Indicated categories. Coal quality demonstrates excellent Illinois Coal Basin coal quality with high heating value (11,893 Btu/lb), low ash (8.4%)

and a very high in-seam yield of 93%. . Critically, the coal also displays lower chlorine content (0.18%) than most of the new coal operations being developed in the Illinois Basin.

Paringa CEO David Gay stated:

The updated coal resource estimate confirms our Buck Creek No 1 mine as one of the largest predeveloped coal operations in the Western Kentucky region of the Illinois coal basin.

Click here for the full Paringa Resources Ltd. (ASX:PNL) press release

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