Health Groups Push Closure of Alberta’s Coal-fired Generating Plants

Industrial Metals

The Globe and Mail reported that health groups, including the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, are urging the government of Alberta to close coal-fired generating plants more quickly on the basis that they are causing respiratory problems.

The Globe and Mail reported that health groups, including the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, are urging the government of Alberta to close coal-fired generating plants more quickly on the basis that they are causing respiratory problems.

As quoted in the market news:

[Newspaper ads from the health groups] build on research released in March and done for the groups by the Pembina Institute. It attempted to calculate the health costs of coal-fired generation, of which Alberta has more than any other province.

The research used government data, health studies and a peer-reviewed modelling protocol developed by the Canadian Medical Association. It suggested that between 2008 and 2031, there will be more than 3,000 premature deaths, 2,000 hospital stays and 10,000 emergency room visits from health problems caused by coal-fired electricity.

The conclusions were immediately disputed by TransAlta Utilities.

Click here to read the full report from The Globe and Mail.

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