Forbes & Manhattan Announce Fiscal 2012 Financial Results

Industrial Metals

Forbes & Manhattan Coal Corp. (TSX:FMC) announced its 2012 financial results including an increase in revenue from the Slater coal operations.

Forbes & Manhattan Coal Corp. (TSX:FMC) announced its 2012 financial results including an increase in revenue from the Slater coal operations.

As quoted in the press release:

Revenue for the Slater Coal Stand Alone operations was $104.5 million compared to $46.7 million for the year ended February 28, 2011. Consolidated revenue was $104.5 million compared to $27.7 million for the year ended February 28, 2011.

Forbes’ President and CEO, Stephan Theron said:

Our remarkable results over the past fiscal year is due to our focus on growing our operations. The $20 million capital expenditure investment has increased our revenue 124% year-over-year.

Click here for the Forbes & Manhattan Coal Corp. (TSX:FMC) press release.

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