Court Ruling Makes North-South Road in Ring of Fire Possible
The Financial Post reported that an appeals court has ruled that KWG Resources Inc. (CSE:KWG) should not have exclusive access to a transportation corridor in Ontario’s Ring of Fire. The move makes the construction of a north-south road in the area a possibility.
The Financial Post reported that an appeals court has ruled that KWG Resources Inc. (CSE:KWG) should not have exclusive access to a transportation corridor in Ontario’s Ring of Fire. The move makes the construction of a north-south road in the area a possibility.
Here’s the background to the situation:
In 2009, a Toronto-based company called KWG Resources Inc. staked more than 200 mining claims going from the Ring of Fire all the way down to the CN rail line in Exton, Ont. Effectively, this gave KWG control over a crucial 340-kilometre access route to the mineral belt.
U.S. mining company Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. was keen to develop a road up to the Ring that would cross more than 100 of KWG’s claims. But its attempts to do so were thwarted.
In 2013, the Ontario Mining and Lands Commissioner rejected Cliffs’ request for an “easement” on KWG’s claims to build a road, saying it could negatively affect the claims.
However, a divisional court overturned that decision last year. And on Wednesday, the Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld the divisional court’s ruling. That opens the door for a road.