Gold Price Spurts After Policy Easing Measures

Market News

Gold Investing News reports gold price surged as the Feds’ latest policy easing measures were announced. Gold rose 6 per cent in a day and continued upwards, as investors flocked to what is called “a safe haven” by Nicholas Brooks, the head of research and investment strategy at ETF Securities. “There is the view that this …

Gold Investing News reports gold price surged as the Feds’ latest policy easing measures were announced.

Gold rose 6 per cent in a day and continued upwards, as investors flocked to what is called “a safe haven” by Nicholas Brooks, the head of research and investment strategy at ETF Securities.

“There is the view that this is the beginning of quantitative easing, which is non-conventional policy. If a government starts to move towards quantitative easing, it is negative for the currency and as the UK and Japan are doing it, and Europe are aggressively easing their money supply, people just do not know where to put their money,” he said.

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