Top international diamond official denies trade in Zim blood diamonds

Gem Investing

SW Radio Africa reports that the World Federation of Diamond Bourses’s s vice-President, Ernest Blom has denied accusations that he was involved in the trade of blood diamonds.

SW  Radio Africa reports that the World Federation of Diamond Bourses’s s vice-President, Ernest Blom has denied accusations that he was involved in the trade of blood diamonds.

The story is quoted as saying:

In a letter to Paz, Blom stated: “I categorically deny any illegal trading or [that I] boasted about it, as Cranswick allegedly said in the dispatch. I had never travelled to Harare before I went up there as part of the Kimberley Process review mission in 2007. I have only ever met Cranswick twice in my life. The last time [was] more than a year ago, when he tried to elicit my assistance to get his mine back, which I declined.”

 To access the whole story, click here.

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