Stornoway Starts Pre-stripping at Renard 2-Renard 3 Open Pit
Stornoway Diamond Corp. (TSX:SWY) announced the commencement of the pre-stripping of the Renard 2-Renard 3 open pit at the Renard diamond project.
Stornoway Diamond Corp. (TSX:SWY) announced the commencement of the pre-stripping of the Renard 2-Renard 3 open pit at the Renard diamond project.
As quoted in the press release:
The removal and containment of surficial lake sediments was successfully completed during January and February and, with the procurement of the mobile open pit mining fleet well advanced, principal open pit mining activities have now commenced within the planned schedule. It is expected that approximately 0.7mtonnes of ore stockpile extracted from the Renard 2 and Renard 3 kimberlites will be available for the start of plant commissioning by the second half of 2016.
Click here for the full Stornoway Diamond Corporation (TSX:SWY) press release