Stornoway Diamond Hosts Event to Highlights Partnerships

Diamond Investing

Stornoway Diamond Corporation (TSX:SWY) hosted a press event in Montreal to highlight the partnerships between the Company, Québec, and the communities of the James Bay region on the development of the Route 167 Extension-Renard Mine Road and the new Monts Otish regional aerodrome.

 Stornoway Diamond Corporation (TSX:SWY) hosted a press event in Montreal to highlight the partnerships between the Company, Québec, and the communities of the James Bay region on the development of the Route 167 Extension-Renard Mine Road and the new Monts Otish regional aerodrome.

As quoted in the press release:

…hosted a press event at its Montreal head office in the presence of Ms. Martine Ouellet, the Québec Minister of Natural Resources, Ms. Manon Cyr, the Mayor of Chibougamau, and Chief Richard Shecapio, Chief of the Cree Nation of Mistissini. The event was held to emphasize the close collaboration between Stornoway, Québec and the communities of the James Bay region on the development of the Route 167 Extension-Renard Mine Road and the new Monts Otish regional aerodrome. This work, being undertaken under a financing agreement between Stornoway and Québec, is successfully laying the groundwork for the development of the Renard Diamond Project, the first diamond mine in Québec.

Stornoway Diamond Corporation COO, Patrick Godin, said:

The Renard Diamond Project is being done right. From the beginning, we determined that earning our licence to operate from the region’s local communities and contributing to their economic development would be one of our top priorities. Our ability to achieve this has been greatly assisted by a strong partnership with government. We now have before us a diamond project with substantial potential revenue and mine life. Local communities and other stakeholders stand to benefit for generations from the successful development of the Renard Project. I would like to thank all levels of government for their collaboration, particularly Minister Ouellet, Mayor Cyr and Chief Shecapio who we are pleased to welcome today in Montreal.

Click here to read the Stornoway Diamond Corporation (TSX:SWY) press release
Click here to see the Stornoway Diamond Corporation (TSX:SWY) profile

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