Stornoway Diamond Opens Renard Diamond Mine

Diamond Investing

Stornoway Diamond (TSX:SWY) celebrated the official opening of its Renard Diamond Mine on Wednesday. As quoted in the press release: [The ceremony was] held in the presence of M. Pierre Arcand, Quebec’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and Minister responsible for the Plan Nord, as well as current and former staff members, project stakeholders …

Stornoway Diamond (TSX:SWY) celebrated the official opening of its Renard Diamond Mine on Wednesday.
As quoted in the press release:

[The ceremony was] held in the presence of M. Pierre Arcand, Quebec’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and Minister responsible for the Plan Nord, as well as current and former staff members, project stakeholders and local community members.
Matt Manson, President and CEO, commented “Today’s opening ceremony marks the culmination of approximately 20 years of work to bring the Renard Project from a green-field exploration concept to a fully operating new diamond mine. A long list of individuals can claim a share in the success of this enterprise. While we celebrate the official opening ceremony today, our production ramp-up continues and we remain on schedule to achieve commercial production by the year end.”

Click here for the full text release.

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