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Stellar Diamonds Returns More High Grades at Tongo Project
Feb. 13, 2014 01:58PM PST
Diamond InvestingStellar Diamonds plc (LSE:STEL) announced that the bulk sampling program taking place at its Sierra Leone-based Tongo dyke kimberlite project has returned further high diamond grades.
Stellar Diamonds plc (LSE:STEL) announced that the bulk sampling program taking place at its Sierra Leone-based Tongo dyke kimberlite project has returned further high diamond grades.
Highlights include:
- Initial sample processing yielded 151 carats from 141t of kimberlite for a grade of 107cpht with further results expected approximately every four weeks
- Anticipated that diamond grade will increase as further diamonds are recovered following re-processing
- Outstanding quality of diamonds classified as 86% gem quality with several stones greater than 1 carat in size
- Bulk sampling on-going with 772 tonnes collected to date as part of the Dyke-1 mining DFS
- Objective to recover a minimum 1,000 carat parcel for diamond grade and value confirmation
- Previous results established a grade of 120cpht at US$248 per carat from a 1,050 carat parcel
- Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”) expected to be completed in 2014, culminating in a production decision at Tongo Dyke-1
Click here to read the full Stellar Diamonds plc (LSE:STEL) press release.