North Arrow's Pikoo Project Now Has Four Diamondiferous Kimberlites

Diamond Investing

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) announced that it’s completed a 2015 exploration program at its Saskatchewan-based Pikoo diamond project. According to the company, new microdiamond results for the PK314 and PK311 kimberlites have increased the total of diamondiferous kimberlites at the project to four.

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) announced that it’s completed a 2015 exploration program at its Saskatchewan-based Pikoo diamond project. According to the company, new microdiamond results for the PK314 and PK311 kimberlites have increased the total of diamondiferous kimberlites at the project to four.
As quoted in the press release:

As reported on September 8, 2015 microdiamond results from 2015 drilling completed on PK150 confirmed this kimberlite as significantly diamond-bearing. A total of 531 kg of kimberlite from PK150 has been tested to date by caustic fusion and the results are compiled in the table below, along with microdiamond results from the PK314, PK311 and PK312 kimberlites discovered in 2015.
New caustic fusion analyses of 476 kg collected from PK314 have returned a total of 23 diamonds larger than the 0.106 mm sieve size. As previously reported on March 30, 2015 PK314 is located in the North Pikoo area and remains open to depth and along strike. A selection of kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) derived from PK314 have been submitted for electron microprobe analyses in order to allow for comparison to high priority KIMs recovered from till samples in the North Pikoo KIM train.
A small 4.74 kg composite sample of weathered micaceous kimberlite from PK311 returned two diamonds including one greater than the 0.106 mm sieve size and one greater than the 0.212 mm sieve size.  As with earlier reported results … for a similarly small sample from the PK312 kimberlite, this result confirms the PK311 kimberlite as diamond bearing and indicates that further evaluation is warranted. Additional drilling of both PK311 and PK312 is required to better define the full extent of these bodies and allow for a more complete evaluation of their diamond potential.

Ken Armstrong, president and CEO of North Arrow, commented:

2015 exploration work, consisting of exploration drilling and airborne magnetic surveys, has confirmed the Pikoo Diamond Project as an important emerging diamond district in Canada. Seven discrete kimberlite occurrences have now been identified, four of which have been tested and proven to be diamondiferous. Kimberlite PK150 remains the most significant discovery to date. It remains open to depth and along strike to the east and will be subject to further drilling in 2016, as will the newly discovered PK311 and PK312 kimberlites and additional targets generated from recently completed airborne magnetic surveys.

Click here to read the full North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) press release.

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