North Arrow Expands Mel Diamond Project

Gem Investing

North Arrow Minerals Inc. has announced that it has significantly increased the size of its Mel diamond project from 7,500 hectares to 56,075 hectares.

North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) has announced that it has significantly increased the size of its Mel diamond project from 7,500 hectares to 56,075 hectares.
As quoted in the press release:

Claim staking was initiated as a result of North Arrow’s September 2017 discovery of a new diamond bearing kimberlite field at Mel, located within 20 km of tide water on the Melville Peninsula, Nunavut. North Arrow made the prospecting discovery of the ML-8 kimberlite near the up-ice termination of a well-defined kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM) train in the northern part of the project area (“Mel North”). A 62.1 kg sample of the ML-8 kimberlite returned 23 diamonds larger than the 0.106 mm sieve size, including a single, colourless diamond larger than the 0.85 mm sieve size.
Exploration drilling will focus on defining the ML-8 kimberlite, as well as testing a series of targets at the head of three well defined KIM trains in the Mel North area. A study of till and other glacial deposits is presently underway, intended to better understand the Quaternary (or glacial) geology and terrain within the expanded project, in particular the central project area between the Mel North and Mel South KIM trains. This central area has seen very little previous till sampling and is interpreted as having a complex glacial history. Results from the study will be used to plan a follow up till sampling program during the summer of 2018 to better define the Mel South KIM train and to identify new KIM targets within the property.

Ken Armstrong, president and CEO of North Arrow, commented:

The expanded Mel Project connects the Mel North area with the Mel South KIM anomaly, approximately 15 km southwest of the ML-8 kimberlite discovery. Mel is highly prospective for additional kimberlite and diamond discoveries in 2018 with exploration work, including drilling, scheduled to commence in May.
The ML-8 kimberlite discovery is a highlight of North Arrow’s 2017 exploration programs. Since becoming a diamond focused explorer in 2013, North Arrow is the only junior exploration company to discover a kimberlite field in Canada, having now discovered two of the five kimberlite fields found during that period. In addition to drilling at Mel, North Arrow is well positioned for further discovery in 2018 with spring drill programs planned at the Loki and LDG Projects in the NWT as well as pending diamond results from a 210 tonne mini-bulk sample collected from the Q1-4 kimberlite at the Naujaat Project.

Click here to read the full North Arrow Minerals Inc. (TSXV:NAR) press release.

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