Grizzly Announced 2nd Potash Test Well Commenced in Alberta and Gold Copper Discovery in the Greenwood Gold Project
Grizzly Discoveries Inc. (TSXV:GZD,OTCQX:GZDIF,FWB:G6H) intersected low grade bulk tonnage style Au-Cu mineralization at the Dayton area and the potential to expand and improve upon the known mineralization intersected in 2010.
As quoted in the press release:
A drill rig was mobilized on November 28th to well site 8-36-19-1W4 in southeast Alberta to complete a potash test well on the Alberta Potash Project near Medicine Hat, Alberta. The drill rig commenced drilling on November 29th and is currently proceeding to core point at approximately 1,650 metres below surface.
Results have been received for the second 2011 hole drilled in the Dayton area (11DA10), and similar to the first drill hole (11DA09), it has yielded a wide, bulk tonnage style, low grade gold-copper zone of mineralization grading 0.14 grams per tonne (“g/t”) gold (“Au”) and 0.03% copper (“Cu”) over 121.5 m of core length.
Drilling is expected to continue to about mid-December at the Greenwood Gold Project with the plan to drill a total of approximately 4,000 m. The fieldwork to date has resulted in the identification of new drill targets at the P2, P4 and B4-B5 target areas.
Grizzly President, Brian Testo, said:
“We are extremely excited about our first potash test well on our 100% owned potash permits in southern Alberta and we are excited about the new discovery of low grade bulk tonnage style Au-Cu mineralization intersected at two targets at the Dayton area and the potential to expand and improve upon the known mineralization intersected in 2010.”
Click here to read the Grizzly Discoveries Inc. (TSXV:GZD,OTCQX:GZDIF,FWB:G6H) press release
Click here to see the Grizzly Discoveries Inc. (TSXV:GZD,OTCQX:GZDIF,FWB:G6H) profile.