Gahcho Kué Diamond Mine Approved by Environmental Impact Review Board

Diamond Investing

De Beers Canada and Mountain Province Diamonds (TSX:MPV,NYSEMKT:MDM) announced that the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board has recommended that the proposed Gahcho Kué diamond mine be approved, subject to “measures and follow-up programs.”

De Beers Canada and Mountain Province Diamonds (TSX:MPV,NYSEMKT:MDM) announced that the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board has recommended that the proposed Gahcho Kué diamond mine be approved, subject to “measures and follow-up programs.”

Glen Koropchuk, CEO of De Beers Canada, commented:

We are pleased to receive the Report of Environmental Impact Review and Reasons for Decision by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board on the proposed Gahcho Kué diamond mine. This represents an important step forward for the proposed new diamond mine. We are reviewing the Report to better understand the implications of the measures and follow-up programs recommended by MVEIRB. We look forward to proceeding to the next stages in the regulatory approval process.

Patrick Evans, president and CEO of Mountain Province Diamonds, noted:

The Gahcho Kué joint venture has successfully demonstrated to the Review Board that the Gahcho Kué diamond mine can be successfully constructed and operated. Completion of the environmental review is a significant milestone.

Click here to read the full De Beers Canada and Mountain Province Diamonds (TSX:MPV,NYSEMKT:MDM) press release.

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