UxC Says Global Nuclear Power Forecasts Drop Following Fukushima

Long Tail

Businesswire reports on the forecasts of Global Nuclear Power and its future expectations.

Businesswire reports on the forecasts of Global Nuclear Power and its future expectations.

The press release is quoted as saying:

Given the wide-reaching implications of the Fukushima accident, UxC is also preparing a special report on Nuclear Power in the Post-Fukushima Era to be issued in May 2011. Fukushima has already had indelible effects on Japan, the nuclear industry, and global energy markets. While some ramifications are not yet fully grasped, it is critical to begin the process of analyzing the likely impacts. UxC’s Post-Fukushima special report reviews the technical as well as commercial level impacts and includes detailed analysis on a wide range of relevant topics, such as lessons learned and implications for operating and new reactors as well as spent nuclear fuel. UxC is also proposing some technical solutions for improved nuclear plant safety.

Click here to access the entire news release.

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