Talvivaara to Extract Uranium as a By-Product in Finland

Company News

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc (LSE:TALV) announced the Finnish government awarded them a permit to extract uranium as a by-product from its existing operations.

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc (LSE:TALV) announced the Finnish government awarded them a permit to extract uranium as a by-product from its existing operations.

As quoted in the press release:

Talvivaara’s aim is to start uranium recovery in 2012, as soon as it has all the necessary permits. The start of uranium production is further subject to, among others, Environmental Permit approval and chemical authorisation.  The Environmental Permit application for uranium extraction was submitted to the Regional Environmental Permitting Agency in March 2011 and the decision on the permit is expected during Q2 2012.

Talvivaara’s CEO, Pekka Pera said:

We are very pleased to have been granted this licence, which is not only a further step towards uranium production at Talvivaara, but also a confirmation that our recovery process meets the highest safety and environmental standards. These standards were a key consideration for us at every step of the planning process and will continue to be so when production is under way. We look forward to the next stage in our strategy of maximising value from the Talvivaara ore.

Click here to read the Talvivaara Mining Company Plc (LSE:TALV) press release.

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