Fission Energy Drills Four More Vertical Step-Out Holes That Extend the J-Zone

Company News

Fission Energy Corp. reports its completion of  five additional vertical oriented step-out drill holes.
Since the initial discovery hole (WAT10-063A) was announced in January, an additional fifteen step-out drill holes have been completed at the J-Zone; 13 of these identified high levels of radioactivity and where assay results have been received, high grade uranium mineralization. Continuity of the […]

Fission Energy Corp. reports its completion of  five additional vertical oriented step-out drill holes.

Since the initial discovery hole (WAT10-063A) was announced in January, an additional fifteen step-out drill holes have been completed at the J-Zone; 13 of these identified high levels of radioactivity and where assay results have been received, high grade uranium mineralization. Continuity of the J-Zone has been traced for over 55m along strike (east-west) and up to 35m wide (north-south). All drill intersections are associated with a broad continuous zone of alteration and radioactivity extending from several meters above the unconformity to up to 25m below the unconformity. The J-Zone remains open laterally along strike and width.

For complete press release, click here.

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